SOLD OUT: Pantheon// Projective Landscape
NOTE: In Dutch only.

We are proud to present this special Projective Landscape edition of the Pantheon//, meant to inform everybody specifically in the Netherlands about what is happening in Delft on the 16th an 17th of March. To obtain this issue is as simple as this:

Conference Pre-publication (in Dutch)
From januari 2005 on we worked with a group of students on the theme of the conference. With the help of Lara Schrijver and Jasper de Haan we read ourselves into the current debate on 'critical theory' and 'projectice practice'. A half year of reading and debating has resulted in a special edition of the Pantheon// magazine, that is bi-monthly published by Stylos. This pre-publication summarizes the critical theory and introduces the projective practice. It also features a section of the positions of current teachers at the Faculty of Architecture. To introduce the subject of the conference in an accessible way to students, teachers and architects in the Netherlands we decided to make the publication in Dutch.

You can order the Pantheon// 'Projective Landscape' edition for €5,00 (in Dutch). To order please sent an e-mail to and we will take care of it.

Please note: If you are a Stylos member you will automatically receive the Pantheon// 'Projective Landscape' by mail.
Voor-publicatie Conferentie
Vanaf januari 2005 hebben we met een groep studenten gewerkt aan het onderwerp van deze conferentie. Met hulp van Lara Schrijver en Jasper de Haan hebben we ons ingelezen in het huidige debat rond de 'kritische theorie' en de 'projective practice'. Een half jaar lezen en debatteren over het onderwerp heeft geresulteerd in een speciale uitgave van het Pantheon// magazine, dat tweemaandelijks wordt uitgegeven door Stylos. Deze voorpublicatie vat de kritische theorie samen en introduceert de projective practice. Ook hebben we in een serie interviews een doorsnede gemaakt van de huidige posities van docenten aan de Faculteit. Om het onderwerp op een toegankelijke manier aan studenten, docenten en architecten in Nederland te presenteren hebben we ervoor gekozen de voorpublicatie in het Nederlands te maken.

U kunt deze Pantheon// 'Projective Landscape' bestellen voor  € 5,00. U kunt uw bestellingen mailen naar dan maken wij het verder voor u in orde.

NB: Als u Stylos lid bent ontvangt u deze Pantheon// 'Projective Landscape' automatisch per post.

The Projective Landscape Stylos Conference wants to research and explore the similarities between a few -at first sight- seemingly diverse developments within the architecture debate taking place in Europe and the United States. These developments appear to offer a fruitful strategy for architecture in the 21st century. Because this specific debate is very scattered, the conference aims to map and clarify these different developments and hopes to come to a clearer formulation of what now is being referred to as projective practice. By which we mean an architecture that is engaged with the reality of the society in which it is embedded, but focuses on its own discipline instead of looking for legitimatization of its practice in just societal criticism or in disciplines outside itself like sociology and philosophy.