I won't say much about it, just check out the pictures:
Projective Landscape Photo Report
A very big thank for the Stylos Photo Co. They did a great job photographing the whole conference.
Checked out all the lectures? And still haven't had enough? Finally all the discussions are online to. In the menu you can find the 'discussions' button which will lead you to a flavor of the real conference atmosphere and the ability to check out the validity of everybody’s argument. Especially the Final forum discussion is nice (and long). Anyway, enjoy!
Edwin Gardner on behalf of the Projective Landscape crew
If you missed all the fun or where just in Room A and wanted to check out Room TT we present you the solution. All the lectures are online under the 'lectures' link in the navigation menu (right).
If you click the hyperlink the *.MOV will be downloaded. Please note that the audio volume of some of the lectures is very poor (especially friday morning Room A), so put on a headphone and/or crank up the volume with you stereo or something, please help yourself.
The discussions and the forum debate will also be online soon just check stay tuned!
The organisation would like to thank the speakers for their efforts, the audience for their patience and everyone who made this conference possible. We'll do our best to make all the lectures and debates available online as soon as possible. On behalf of the organisation,
Anselm van Sintfiet
Okay watching the live video stream is quite simple:
1. You need Quicktime Player 2. Open Quicktim Player > file > open url 3. For Room A Video feed enter (or copy-paste): rtsp://projective.activedomain.nl:554/Room_A.sdp
4. For Room TT Video feed enter (or copy-paste): rtsp://projective.activedomain.nl:554/Room_TT.sdp
Note: on Thursday all the lectures will be in Room A (the program changed last minute), Friday in both A and TT
NOTE: If you have no sound using Quicktime, use Real Player, you can also paste the feed adress in the adressbar of your webbrowser, and the associated media player will open
here you have the Last Minute Program
If you have any problems with the feed, please leave a comment and we will try to solve it.
For those of you who can't be present at the conference we are proud to deliver a live broadcast of the lectures and discussions. So check the program and tune in on whatever lecture and/or discussion you would like to follow.
The video streams of the lectures and discussions will stay online for one month after the conference, so plenty of time to catch up, or to see the lectures you missed because you were in the other parallel session.
Stay tuned!

Finally! Here it is, the conference schedule: Projective Landscape Conference Schedule (pdf)
The final list of speakers is: Stan Allen (special apperance) Robert Somol Sarah Whiting Michael Speaks Roemer van Toorn Kamiel Klaasse Reinhold Martin Peter Trummer Nikolaus Kuhnert Diane Ghirardo Hans van Dijk Ole W. Fischer Wouter Vanstiphout Willem-Jan Neutelings Naomi Stead Lara Schrijver M. Christine Boyer Arie Graafland K. Michael Hays
NOTE: In Dutch only.
We are proud to present this special Projective Landscape edition of the Pantheon//, meant to inform everybody specifically in the Netherlands about what is happening in Delft on the 16th an 17th of March
It may have been unclear whether you have to buy tickets to visit the
conference. The answer is that the conference is a public event and everybody
can attend the lectures and discussions, this is not limited in any way. You
may wonder how this is possible with such a conference. It is the philosophy of
Stylos that this knowledge and the debate should be as accessible as possible,
and no student (or anyone else) should be excluded on financial grounds. One of
the conditions which makes this possible is that everybody in the organization
of the conference ranging from students to professors collaborate on this event
on a voluntary basis.
So there's no reason for anyone to stay at home …
Please check our latest PRESS RELEASE. This latest press release contains a short outline of the theme of the
conference and the most recent list of speakers who accepted our
Welcome to the Projective Landscape website. From this website we will
inform you about the conference that will take place the 16th and 17th
of March at our Faculty of Architecture at the Delft University of
Technology. Here you hopefully can find all the information you need,
if there are still questions please contact us.
On this website we will keep you updated through press releases,
announce new speakers and inform you on other developments around the
Projective Landscape project. And of course we hope to see you on the conference in March.
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